Overheard in the Security line at LHR T4

A group of late 40’s early 50’s Businessmen in line, one of which forgot to take electronic devices out of his bag.

“This fucking sucks. You guys can go meet me in the lounge.

“No, we’re going to stick around here and wait, what’s taking so long?”

“I’m going to be here another fifteen minutes, waiting for them to take their own sweet time unpacking my bag. You guys go right ahead.”

“There’s absolutely no sense of urgency in this country. What the hell is taking so long? What is this lazy woman doing?”

“Who the hell knows.”

“You should make her repack your bag.”

“That would take probably twice as long, fucking lazy bitch.”

Security woman brings bag over and says “in the future, if you remove your electronic devices, such as iPad, Kindle and laptop, we wouldn’t have to search your bag.”

Man – “Hmmph.”

Look, douchebag(s). This is your own damned fault and not your first time at the plastic bag, shoes off rodeo. You know the rules, take the time and stop projecting your laziness and disrespect on others. Not only do you give business travellers a bad name, you also make life harder on yourself and everyone around you.

Did I appreciate the ten minutes extra in line because of you and your douchebag friends bitching about things not working to their timetable? No.

Do your comments reinforce bad American stereotypes about entitled, self-important twats? Yes.

Did anyone in line feel sorry for you because you got your bag searched? No.

Will you learn for the next time? Probably not.

Suck it up and be a better traveler and maybe you can become a better person.

